Phil failed to see his shadow yesterday and the Robins agree; EARLY Spring ! In fact we now have local, Summer and Winter Robins. Two weeks after the Summer Robins left mid August, the Winter Robins arrived.
Winter Robins flock together, are darker, slimmer and elongated when compared to Summer Robins. Northern Winter Robins’ songs are similar to their human Yanky neighbors, shorter, faster and don’t repeat as often. The Summer Robins sing slower, longer drawn out chirps, and repeat more often longer. Akin to their human dixie neighbors.
Now, I see a mix of Dixie and Yank robins and some in flight “coupling” but while driving its hard to tell if its Yank on Yank or Yank Dixie mix. We’ll probably have a bumper brood of robins this year, I’ve never seen coupling this early in the season.
The Robins agree with Phil, the flowering daffodils, crocuses and other bulbs. Perpetual Spring is here !