I heard a Robin today while getting the mail. I might have heard a bird imitating a Robin. I’m told by a few different Bird Watchers that some birds imitate Robins. Sometimes when they are expected or wished to return in the late winter, early spring months especially when there is lots of snow and ice.
Perhaps it was just an imitator commiserating with his buddies about the recent snow. I wonder how soon until I actually see a Robin? Since we just had a few winter storms bring some moisture up from the Mexico Gulf area, it’s possible that some of the early Northern Robins decided to ride ahead of the winds like a surfer. They usually pass through here first.
Phil did see his shadow and we are getting a fair amount of ice and snow, true to his prediction. It actually feels like winter and an old fashioned one at that.
Tightened security and CSS in place. We’ll see how long the security holds. I’d brag on my security methods, but security through obscurity! It seems to be working as Tor traffic keeps falling and dropping off. No more unverified users signing up and staying logged in.
Once I looked at the CSS and saw how many different browsers and formats I’d have to dynamically re-code then test, I decided on a Yellow Pencil CSS editor that made it quick, simple and WYSIWYG. What You See, Is What You Get!
I tried many other CSS editing plugins, but Yellow Pencil simply worked and had the most suitable free options for my needs. It’s well documented, intuitive and easy enough to use that you can learn most of it by just poking at it.
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