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Spring 2023 is here, WHAT ?!

After a week long cold snap two weeks ago in late December, I didn’t expect any Robins around still or yet, but they’re here for 2 weeks now. While walking many times recently since the cold snap, I’ve seen 30+ fly into a tree and heard at least 3 singing distinctly different morning songs in different parts of my neighborhood.

One Sigma Robin sings the Spring Rain Morning Worm song as if crocuses are in full bloom.

These are surely a rogue northern clique avoiding the cold up north right now or southern scouts and not the locals. Maybe the exuberant Sigma is being sarcastic or perhaps rallying the Scouts who will report back on the next southern tailwind like the northern wind that brought them?

Is robin sarcasm possible? I say yes as I’ve witnessed dozens of robin widowers through the years, sitting shiva, mourning their monogamous partner’s remains until scattered. Usually at least 3 days solid eating very little, ignoring weather, personal safety and eventually coming back over the next few weeks in remembrance. Robins are monogamous, a rare trait in the animal kingdom.

If robins care for generations of young realizing the benefits of monogamy, mourn as we do, show fear, exhaustion, surprise, excitement and affections; Then I’d venture to say sarcasm is an emotion they feel too. It’s the expression of ambivalence that we all feel wishing for Spring because it feels like it with longer days, knowing the time is not right now, but just around the corner. Ambivalence, the good and the bad all rolled into one all at the same time. Ebb and flow, Yin and Yang, bittersweet balance.

Robin widowers eventually move forward, take on new partners and raise broods with their new partner just like we do. I’ve seen it, so maybe they are at least wishing for Spring if not being sarcastic or reporting it on their way back to the collective flocks.